Solutions of exercises Charts in MS Excel 2016

In this article, you will get the questions for the topic charts in MS excel.

Objective type questions – Charts in MS Excel

Fill in the blanks (Answers)

  1. Line
  2. Data
  3. Pie
  4. Chart
  5. Sparkline

True of False

  1. False – Correction: A line chart shows change over time intervals.
  2. True
  3. True
  4. False – Correction: Win/Loss is a kind of sparkline.
  5. True


  1. iii. Doughnut chart
  2. ii. Radar chart
  3. ii. Legend
  4. iv. Line Chart
  5. ii. Bar

Watch this video to understand the concept how to insert Chart in MS excel:

Descriptive Questions

Short answer questions :(2/3 marks)

Use this link and find the answers (not provided): Creating charts in Excel

  1. What is the chart? Read the answer from Wikipedia
  2. How you can draw a chart ? or How you can insert a chart?
  3. How to change the chart type?

Answer: To change the chart type follow these steps:

  1. Select the chart.
  2. Click on Design –> Change Chart Type option from Type group.
  3. Change chart type dialog box appears.
  4. Select the desired chart from the list of charts.

4. How to switch row and column data into chart?

Answer: To switch data from row/column follow these steps:

  1. Select the chart.
  2. Click on Design –> Switch Row/Column from the data group.

5. What are sparklines?

Answer. Sparklines are mini version of charts that will be added to your selected cells.

6. What are the types sparklines?

Answer: There are three types of sparklines:

  1. Line
  2. Column
  3. win/loss

7. How to display data label on chart area?

Answer: To display data label on chart area follow these steps:

  1. Select the chart.
  2. Click on + icon coming at the top right side of the chart.
  3. Now find the option data label. (All chart types do not support data label.)
  4. Click on the check for the data label.

8. What is a combo chart?

Answer: A combo chart is a combination of more than one chart on similar data. In other words, A combo chart is a series of multiple chart on similar data and chart area.

Watch this video to understand advanced charts available in MS excel 2016 and higher version.

Long Answer Questions: (5 Marks)

  1. What are the various types of charts?
  2. What are the advantages of a chart?
  3. What are the elements of the charts? or What are the components of a chart? Explain each of them in short.
  4. How to create a combo chart?

Answer: To create a combo chart follow the given steps:

  1. Select Data that you want to plot on the chart.
  2. Click on the Insert tab.
  3. Now find the option Recommended Charts. The Insert Chart dialog box will appear.
  4. Click on the All Charts tab.
  5. Find the Combo chart from the list and select it.
  6. Now select the column and chat type as per your requirements.
  7. Click on OK to display the chart on the worksheet.

Watch this video to understand how to create combo chart?

5. How to insert sparklines in the worksheet?

Answer: To insert the sparklines follow these steps:

  1. Select the data except top row.
  2. Click on Insert tab.
  3. Find the Sparklines group and select the desired sparkline like Line, column or win/loss.
  4. The Create Sparklines dialog box appears.
  5. Select the location range, where you want to display the sparklines.
  6. Click on OK button to display the chart on the worksheet.
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