In this article, you will learn about how to make smart ppt in power point. So here we begin our article!
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How to make Smart ppt in power point?
To make a smart ppt in power point you should the following tips:
- Select appropriate slide layout
- Use Duplicate slides and Reuse Slides
- Changing the slide background
- Use of Insert tab
- Apply slide transitions and Animations
- Organize your slides with different views
The first step of How to make Smart ppt in Power Point in 5 easy steps is you have to open power point from the start menu. Follow these steps:
- Click on Start > All Programs > Microsoft Office 2013 > PowerPoint 2013. or press Windows + R and type “powerpnt” in run command.
- Select a blank presentation option from the screen.
Select appropriate slide layout
The first step of making a smart ppt in PowerPoint is selecting your slide layout for your content.
You can change existing slide layout by following these steps:
- Click on Home > Layout option from Slides group.
- Select an appropriate layout for your slide.
You can select an appropriate slide layout for a new slide by following these steps:
Step 1 > Click on Home > New Slide > Slide Layout option from slides group.
Step 2 > Place your cursor on desired layout for your slide.
Step 3 > Click to select the layout as per your content.

Observe the above screenshot, you will get following slide layouts.
- Slide Title: This layout is mostly used to write your title and subtitle. Mainly this layout is used for the first slide of your PowerPoint presentation.
- Title and Content: This layout allows to display the title and contents like images, charts, tables, audio, and video in the slide.
- Section Header: When your presentation is large and you want to use different sections for your header then this layout is helpful to provide a section header.
- Two content: This layout provides content in two columns.
- Comparison: This layout is almost similar to two content layout, whenever you want to represent data for comparison, you can use this layout.
- Title Only: This layout displays only the title in the slide.
- Blank: The blank layout is used to insert a blank slide in the presentation, then after you can modify the slide as you wish.
- Content with the caption: A caption is an explanatory text for your content. You can use this for images, tables, or charts in the slide.
- Picture with caption: It allows to use caption for your picture.
You can use any layout and later on you can modify the layout manually as per the requirements.
Now in the next section of smart ppt in PowerPoint, we will talk about duplicate slides and reuse slides.
Use Duplicate slides
Sometimes we need to use duplicate slides. There are two ways to insert duplicate slides PowerPoint.
- From Home Tab or Insert Tab
- Right Click on Slide
Follow these steps to use duplicate slides.
Method 1
- Click Home > New Slide or Insert > New Slide from Slides group.
- Click on the Duplicate slide option from the drop-down.

Method 2
- Select the slide you want to use as duplicate.
- Right click on it and select Duplicate Slide.
Reuse Slide
Select the option Reuse Slides from the New Slide Drop Drop down.
In the next section of smart ppt in power point we will discuss about changing the background of slide.
Changing the Background of Slide
A good background always adds a good impression to the audience. In a PowerPoint presentation, you can change the background in following manner:
- Select the slide and click on Design > Format background from the Customize group.
- It will open Format Background pane at the right side of the screen, select appropriate background for your slide.
The background can be one of the following:
- Solid Color: You can apply a solid color as a background.
- Gradient Fill: You can use gradient or we can say multi color background by this option.
- Picture of Texture: This options allows to use a picture or image as background or built-in texture like canvas, green marble etc.
- Pattern: This option provides patterns to use as background like dots and lines, diagonal lines etc.
Use of Insert tab
The insert tab allows you to insert some objects like smart art, screenshot, audio and video objects. So understand the meaning of each object and learn how to insert and manage them. So here we go !
Smart Art
Smart Art is a set of various diagrams to represent lists, process, diagrams, hierarchy, process, cycle, relationship, matrix, pyramid, pictures etc. So now let’s discuss how to insert smart art, edit smart art.
Insert SmartArt
Follow the below given steps to insert SmartArt:
- Click on Insert > SmartArt option from the Illustration group. A new window appears to choose a SmartArt graphic or diagram.
- Select the desired items from the opened window and click on ok.
- Now type the text as per your requirements.

Editing SmartArt
when you insert SmartArt graphic or diagram, MS word displays two additional tabs on the ribbon. These tabs are:
- Design
- Format
The design tab provides you the following groups:
- Create Graphic – This group provides add shape, add bullet, show or hide the text pane, promote or demote, move up, move down or layout options.
- Layout – By using this group you can change the layout and colors of the SmartArt.
- SmartArt Styles – This option allows to change the format and styles of the SmartArt.
- Reset – This group is used to rest or convert the graphic.

The format tab is almost similar as MS Word Picture tools tab.
A screenshot is a picture of the display of computer screen, mobile screen or table screen. MS power point allows you to take a screen shot and insert into the slide. Follow the below given steps to insert the screenshot.
- Click on Insert > Screenshot option from the Images group. A drop down appears with available screenshots captured previously. You can select any of them if you want to insert them. For new screenshot follow the next steps.
- Choose the option Screen Clipping, that opens a new window and drag your mouse as you want for the screen clip.
- The when you release the mouse, the screen clipping will be available in the slide.
Creating a Photo Album
You can create a photo album using PowerPoint. A photo album is a PowerPoint presentation with the collection of photos. Follow these steps to create a photo album in PowerPoint.
- Click on Insert > Photo Album > New Photo Album from Images group. The Photo Album dialog box appears.
- Click on the File/Disk button to add photos or images to the photo album. The Insert New Picture dialog box appears.
- Select pictures as you want in the Photo Album. Click on Insert Button. The selected pictures will be added with numbers under pictures in album.
- Now you can set the layout of album like 1 picture, 2 pictures, 4 pictures and so on. You can also set theme for your photo album.
- Click on create button. A new presentation will appear as photo album.
Insert audio and video
You can insert audio and video to your presentation. Follow these steps to insert audio.
- Click on Insert > Audio/Video option from Media group.
- You can insert audio from Audio/Video on My PC or by Record Audio.
- The audio will be inserted on the slide with Play/Pause buttons.
- You can set playback options from the Audio Tools. You can set Volume, Start control, Hide during show, Loop until stopped and Rewind after Playing option.
Apply slide transitions and animation
Till now you learned how to insert or format text, graphics and audio/video into the slide. These all contents are static contents. PowerPoint provide you important feature of animation. This animation is of two kinds:
- Slide Transition – Slide transition is applied to the entire slide.
- Custom Animation – Custom animation is applied to the contents like text box, image, chart, table, etc.
Apply Slide transition
- Click on the slide you want to apply the transition.
- Click the Transition tab.
- Select any transition from the list.
You can set the duration, on mouse click or slide after option for the slide as well.
Apply custom animation
- Select your content.
- Click on Animations tab.
- Select the desired animation from the list.
- Select On Click or With Previous or After Previous option for the content.
Viewing and Organizing the slide
PowerPoint provides following views for managing and organizing the slides. These views are:
- Normal – It is the by default view of your presentation. It is mostly used for editing. In normal view, your presentation screen divides into three sections.
- Slide Navigation – Used to navigate through the slides of the presentation and you can change the order of slides.
- Slide Pane – This is the man slide area where you are working
- Notes – Sometimes notes are added to the slide which cannot be included in the main slide
- Slide Shorter – This view display all the slides in one main screen
- Outline – Outline view displays the slides according to the headings, to open subheadings double click on the main heading, heading will be collapsed into the subheadings.
- Reading View – This view displays the contents of the slide and hides other panes including the ribbon
- Notes Page – This option displays only notes added by the speaker
- Slideshow – Slideshow display the slide in full-screen mode. The shortcut key is F5.