QnA editing data in excel 2016 with complete solutions

QnA with complete solutions editing data in excel 2016 contains the questions and answers for the chapter Editing cell contents in Excel 2016. So here we go!

QnA editing data in excel 2016

In this article you will get direct answers for textbook exercise. The objective type questions like Fill in the blanks, MCQs, True/False answers then some subjective type questions.

In the first section of QnA editing data in excel 2016 you will get answers of fill in the blanks.

Fill in the blanks

  1. Redo
  2. Delete
  3. Clipboard
  4. Cells
  5. Right

In the next section of QnA editing data in excel 2016 you will get Answers of True False.


  1. True
  2. False
  3. True
  4. True
  5. True

In the next section of QnA editing data in excel 2016 you will get Answers of MCQs.


  1. i. F2
  2. ii. A blinking border
  3. iii. Entire Row
  4. iv. All of these
  5. iv. All of these

In the next section of QnA editing data in excel 2016 you will get short answer questions.

Short Answer questions (2/3 Marks)

[1] What do you mean by editing cells in excel?

[2] What do you mean by overwriting? How it can be done Excel?

[3] What do you mean by partial modification in MS excel?

[4] What do you mean by Undo and Redo? Write shortcut keys of these commands.

[5] What are the options available for clear contents dialog box?

In the next section of QnA editing data in excel 2016 you will get Answers of Long answer questions.

Long Answer Questions(5 Mark questions)

[1] How to insert cells in MS Excel? Write the complete steps.

To insert cells in MS excel, follow the below given steps:

  1. Select the range of cells where you want to insert cells.
  2. Click on Home > Insert > Insert Cells option from Cells group.
  3. The Insert dialog box will appear.
  4. Now you will get the following four options:
    • Shift cells right
    • Shift cells down
    • Entire Row
    • Entire column
  5. Select an appropriate option. Click on OK button.

[2] How to insert row/column in MS excel?

To insert row/column in MS excel follow these steps:

  1. Select the number of rows or column you want to insert in the worksheet.
  2. Click on Home > Insert > Insert Sheet Rows/Insert Sheet Columns option from Cells group.
  3. The rows/columns will be inserted in the worksheet.
  4. The rows will insert on top of selected rows whereas the columns will insert to the left of the selected columns.

[3] How to delete cells in MS Excel?

To delete cells follow these steps:

  1. Select the cells you want to delete.
  2. Click on Home > Delete > Delete Cells option from Cells group.
  3. A delete dialog box appears with following options:
    • Shift cells left
    • Shift cells up
    • Entire row
    • Entire column
  4. Select an appropriate option.
  5. Click on OK button.

[4] How to delete rows/columns from worksheet?

To delete rows/columns from worksheet follow these steps:

  1. Select the rows/columns you want to delete.
  2. Click on Home > Delete > Delete Sheet rows/Delete Sheet Columns from the Cells group.
  3. The selected rows/columns get deleted.
  4. The remaining rows shifted up if rows are deleted.
  5. The remaining columns shifted left if columns are deleted.

[5] How to change the row height in MS Excel?

Follow these steps to change the row height.

  1. Select the row.
  2. Click on Home > Format > Row Height option from Cells group.
  3. Now the Row Height dialog box will appear.
  4. Enter the value for the height in the box.
  5. Click on OK button.

[6] How to change the column width in MS Excel?

Follow these steps to change the Column Width.

  1. Select the column.
  2. Click on Home > Format > Column Width option from Cells group.
  3. Now the Column Width dialog box will appear.
  4. Enter the value for the height in the box.
  5. Click on OK button.

All chapter links:

Chapter 1 All about computers

Chapter 2 Objects in MS word

Chapter 3 and 4 Features of MS Word

Chapter 6 Smart Presentations

Chapter 7 MS Excel 2016

That’s all from QnA editing data in excel 2016. This article QnA editing data in excel 2016 will help you to prepare for your exams well. If you have any doubt or query regarding this feel free to ask.

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