In this article, we are going to discuss important questions session 2 verbal communication class 10. Verbal communication is a part of Unit 1 Communication skills for class 10. So let’s start it!

Important Questions Session 2 Verbal Communication Class 10

As usual, let’s start this article Important Questions Session 2 Verbal Communication Class 10 with objective-type questions. The OTQs consists of MCQs, Fill in the blanks and True-False.

Objective Type Questions (OTQs)

Let’s see the objective-type questions for session 2 Verbal Communication Class 10.

  1. The ________ is a most effective and commonly used way of communicating. (Ans. speaking)
  2. Verbal Communication helps in
    • building rapport
    • have a better connect
    • short time communication where evidence not required
    • all of these
  3. The formal or informal communication takes place between two individuals and one-to-one conversation is known as _________.
    • interpersonal communication
    • written communication
    • small group communication
    • public communication
  4. Which of the following is an example of interpersonal communication?
    • manager writing an appreciation letter an employee
    • two friends talking to each other over phone or video call
    • business meetings
    • public speech
  5. Which of the following communication is the best option when an individual needs to keep a track of records?
    • interpersonal communication
    • written communication
    • small group communication
    • public communication
  6. In which of the following communication each participant can interact converse with the rest?
    • interpersonal communication
    • written communication
    • small group communication
    • public communication
  7. In public communication, one individual addresses a large gathering. (True/False)
  8. Which of the following helps an individual to master verbal communication?
    • think before you speak
    • concise and clear
    • confidence and body language
    • all of these
  9. Newspapers are an example of oral communication. (True/False)
  10. One should use technical words for oral communication. (True/False)

In the next section of Important Questions Session 2 Verbal Communication Class 10, we are going to discuss subjective type questions of 2,3 or 4 marks:

Subjective Type Questions (STQs)

Let’s start with the subjective type questions for session 2 Verbal Communication Class 10.

  1. What is verbal communication?
    • Verbal communication includes spoken words, sound, and speech.
    • Speaking is one of the most effective and commonly used ways of communication.
    • It will help to build rapport and have a better connection.
    • Language is the most important tool of verbal communication, master linguistic skills are essential for effective verbal communication.
    • It is a two-way process that includes listening and speaking.
    • It can be done by using telephones, loudspeakers, tape recorders, or face-to-face interaction like presentations at business meetings, classroom lectures, and commencement speeches given at a graduation ceremony etc.
  2. Enlist the type of verbal communication with example.
    • There are four types of verbal communication:
      • Interpersonal Communication: When you are talking with your friend or any other person is considered interpersonal communication. In this communication, information is exchanged between two individuals. The sender and receiver both involved in the process of interchange information.
      • Written Communication: This communication involves written words in the communication. It can be a notice, letter, circular, report, SMS, chat message, or manual. For example, leave an application, writing an e-mail etc.
      • Small-Group Communication: This type of communication takes place between more than two people. Each participant can interact and converse with the rest of the people. For example, press conference, board meetings, team meetings
      • Public Communication: This type of communication takes place when one person is addressing a large group of people. Ex. Speech in assembly, election campaign, public speech etc.
  3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of verbal communication?
    • Advantages
      • Its easy mode of communication
      • Exchange ideas by speech
      • Get the quick response
      • Response keep changing interactions
    • Disadvantages
      • Sometimes the words can be confusing
      • The same words cannot be repeated sometimes
      • Difficult to understand if the right words not used
      • Language is one of the major disadvantages
  4. How to master verbal communication?
    • To master verbal communication follow these simple rules:
      • Think before you speak: Think about your topic and find out the most effective ways to understand the topic. Write down the points that cannot be remembered.
      • Concise and Clear: Whatever you are speaking, speak clearly, loudly, and at moderate speed.
      • Confidence and Body language: Be confident, maintain eye contact, stand straight and be attentive and be friendly.

Watch this video for more understanding:

I hope you enjoyed this article, session 2 Verbal Communication Class 10. If you have any doubt or query, feel free to ask in the comment section.

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Follow this link to access important questions about Session 1 methods of communication skills.

Methods of communication skill

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Information Technology Class 10

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