In this article, Internet security class 10 notes and Comprehensive guide, I am going to cover the topics given in learning outcome 8 for Unit 4 Web Applications and Security. So here we go!
Topics Covered
Internet security class 10 notes and Comprehensive guide
As we are using internet for many purposes in a day. So security is also one of the major concern for it. While using internet you have to take care of two aspects concern to security.
- The browser security
- The network security
Security refers to follow some rules and guideline to protect the data and information shared on the internet. There is a huge risk of data when you are online if you are not following some basic protocols.
While performing online transactions, you need to check some security aspects. So in this article, Internet security class 10 notes and Comprehensive guide you will learn about this.
There are many online threats which may lead to steal your information online. Whatever sensitive data like username, passwords, credit cards and debit cards information, you are providing while performing the online transactions can be tracked by some unauthorized users.
Some websites release links and malware without your consent which are very dangerous and can damage the computer and steal your information.
In the next section of internet security class 10 notes, I will talk about online threats.
Online threats
There are some online threats discussed below:
- Phishing: Phishing is an activity that demands your sensitive data like bank details, username or passwords, credit card details, and other details through email attachments or links. The links redirect you to such a fake website that looks too similar to the bank’s website and asks to enter data.
- Email Spoofing: Email spoofing is an activity of an email from a source that is fake and used for phishing emails and spam emails to run a campaign. The main goal of email spoofing is that recipient opens a message and click on the links provided in that email.
- Chat Spoofing: It similar to email spoofing on the chat platform.
- Eavesdropping: Eavesdropping is a process like listening online. In this technique, a third party is observing the communication happening between you and your partner. The hackers may attempt to take out your data from a website directly.
- Denial of Services: The DoS attack refers to an attack from a large number of computers to a single target and tries to prevent the device from properly functioning.
- Password Attack: Password attacks are a common security threat that is aimed to guess your password or steal your password using different tricks such as dictionary attacks (common words and numbers), brute force attack (uses a program to generate similar kind of passwords), Man-in-the-middle attack (Impersonates an app or website to capture passwords), Keylogger attack (Tracks the keystrokes for a user to collect their password), Social engineering attack(Uses phishing techniques or personal interaction to get passwords).
- Viruses: Viruses are malicious program or harmful program which can damage the computer system, memory and replicate themselves. To read more about virus click here.
In the next section of internet security class 10 notes I am going to discuss best practices.
Best Practices for security
To reduce the risks follow these best practices:
- Use updated antivirus or antispyware software: Install and use a valid antivirus or antispyware software
- Install and Use a firewall: A firewall is software or hardware that provides a dialog box to allow the services or deny. It controls the incoming traffic and services.
- Use strong passwords: A strong password is a combination of character, numbers and special characters. The following points can be taken into consideration while assigning a strong password:
- Do not use simple passwords like your favourite colour, bike number, hero, date of birth, mobile number, repetition password, common dictionary words, letter or number sequence, usernames, relative or pet names etc.
- Change your password frequently
- Keep the password length up to 12-24 characters
- Use capital and lower-case letters
- Avoid using similar passwords for different websites
- Avoid using something which is publicly known
- Use random password generators
- Use encryption software: Encryption software can be downloaded from the website. It is used to protect data from unauthorised users.
- Keep username password private: The username and password cannot be shared or saved on computers.
- Clear browser history frequently: Sometimes a computer is used in a shared environment in the offices. The browsers store the information related to the user’s logins and sessions in cookies. So whenever one user session is ending, the history must be cleared. Click here to read more about browser settings.
- Privacy Policies: Read the privacy policies and agreement about to use personal data while accepting the agreement.
- Don’t share personal information: Be careful while filling up the details of the form such as name, gender, age, and other data. Share data with open eyes.
- Secure Transactions: While doing online shopping or transactions, ensure that the website is secured. As you can see a lock icon on the address bar in front of the website’s address.
- Don’t respond to unknown mails: While using emails, we are receiving hundreds of unknown emails, do not respond to such emails or click on any links.
- Keep up to date software: Download and install regular updates for the applications and operating systems.
- Don’t install software from unknown sources: While downloading the software and applications, use trustworthy and reputed sources.
- Remove unwanted software: Some applications may be installed automatically while using the internet, remove such applications.
That’s all from this article, internet security class 10 notes. If you have any doubt or queries, feel free to ask in the comment section. Follow this link to access all the contents:
Thank you for reading this article internet security class 10 notes.