Comprehensive Notes on Data types in Base Class 10 IT 402

In this article, we will talk about Data types in Base Class 10 it 402 for learning outcome 2 of Unit 3 Database management system.

Data types in Base Class 10 IT 402

Let’s begin Data types in Base Class 10 IT 402 with the introduction to data types in Open Office Base. As we have covered fundamentals of database tables in an earlier article. To read the article Database Concepts Click here. and Introduction to DBMS.

Your database tables can have different types of values or data. There are five basic types of data we can insert into the table.

  1. Numbers – It stores numeric values having integers and fractional numbers.
  2. Text – It holds the textual data with the combination of numbers and digits and special characters.
  3. Date-Time – The date-time data type is used to save the dates into a database field.
  4. Binary – Binary types stores large types of data such as images, audio or video files.
  5. Other Variable – Other variable types can have data of other remaining objects.

In the next section of Data types in Base Class 10 IT 402 let’s talk about details about above numeric types.


OO Base Provides following different types of data types:

  1. BOOLEAN: Boolean is a data type which can store Yes/No type values in the form of 0 or 1 in OO base table. You can also represent values such as True or False using this data type.
  2. TINYINT: It is used to store the numbers ranging from 0 to 255
  3. SMALLINT: It is used to store the number ranging from -32768 to 32767
  4. INTEGER: It is used to store the number ranging from -2147483648 to 2147483647
  5. BIGINT: It is used to store the number ranging from -9223372036854780000 to 922337203685479999
  6. NUMERIC: It stores a number with maximum precision of e(+/)-231
  7. DECIMAL: Its stores a decimal number with maximum precision of e(+/)-231
  8. REAL, FLOAT, DOUBLE: It is used to store a number from 2-1074 to (2-2-52*21023)


OO Base provides following types of text data types:

  1. LONGVARCHAR: It is a memo data type that allows long text into a field. It accepts UTF 8 pattern characters and the maximum length of the text is 2,14,74,83,647 characters.
  2. CHAR: It allows fixed-length character text into a column. It accepts UTF-8 pattern characters having 17 characters length by default. It pads with trailing spaces for short strings.
  3. VARCHAR: It stores text up to a specified length of characters. It doesn’t allow any type of padding. OO base accepts 20 characters length by default.
  4. VARCHAR_IGNORECASE: It little bit similar to varchar with one difference that it will ignore a specific case like capital or small as you type.

In the next section of Data types in Base Class 10 it 402 we will talk about binary data types.

Binary Types:

The certain types of binary data types are as following:

  1. LONGVARBINARY: This type will store a specific image with array of bytes i.e. images, sound files etc. without validation.
  2. BINARY(fix)/Binary: This is also used to store data into binary form.


Sometimes you need to store dates like date of admission, date of joining, date of birth, date of event, date of transaction with a specific time or without time. The date/time data types is used to store such dates in OO base tables.

So in this section of Data types in Base Class 10 it 402 we will talk about three types of date/time data types supported by OO Base.

  1. DATE: It stores a date in common format like month, day and year i.e. 1/1/99. The date ranges are 1/1/99 to 1/1/9999
  2. TIME: It stores a particular time in hour, minute and seconds format. The seconds since 1/1/1970.
  3. TIMESTAMP: It stores the value with and time together in the table field.

Other Data Types

In these types of data type, you can store any serialized objects of java like connector or specific script through objects. It is mostly used for the coding purpose only.

So here we conclude our today’s session for Data types in Base Class 10 it 402. I hope you enjoyed this article. Do like, share and comment your opinion about this article.

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