20 Important QnA Table of Contents Class 10

In this article important QnA Table of Contents Class 10, we will discuss some most important questions from Unit 1 digital documentation (Advanced) class 10 learning outcome 5 Create and Customize table of contents in detail.

Important QnA Table of Contents Class 10

Let’s begin Important QnA Table of Contents Class 10 with short answer questions. 

Short Answer Questions (1 Mark)

Fill in the blanks:

1. The _________ feature allows creating automated page wise headings navigation in digital documents.
Ans.: Table of Contents
2. By default, there is ________ level of headings available for a table of contents.
Ans.: 3 in MS Word, 10 in OO Writer
3. It is advisable to create a Table of Contents at _________ of the digital document.
Ans.: Begining
4. Heading are part of __________ styles.
Ans.: Paragraph
5. The main heading is also known as ________ heading.
Ans.: Top-level
6. To open insert index/table dialog box click on ________ → ________ →  ________ in OO writer.
     To open Table of contents drop down click on ________ → _____________ option in MS Word.
Ans.: Insert, Indexes and Tables, Indexes and Tables
          References, Table contents
7. The preview of the table of content is available at __________ in the Table of the contents dialog box.
Ans.: Left in OO writer, Top in Table of contents dorp down in MS Word
8. The _______ option locks your table of contents for modification in OO Writer.
Ans.: Protect against manual changes
9. _________ option allows you to select on which the Table of contents is created.
Ans.: for
10. The _________ option displays the headings in the hierarchy level in the Table of contents.
Ans. Outline
In the next section of Important QnA Table of Contents Class 10, we will discuss some short answer questions. 

Short Answer Questions (2/3 marks)

Q – 1 What is the table of contents?
A table of contents is an automated table of headings used in documents along with page numbers. It helps to navigate through the content of the document easily. 
Q – 2 What is the pre-requisite of the table of contents?
Ans.: The only pre-requisite of the table of contents is the user needs to create different levels of headings. 
Q – 3 What are the headings?
Ans.: Headings are the special style applied to the title of the topics in the documents. Write supports 10 levels of headings. The topic can be divided into headings and subheadings. 
Q – 4 What are the different tabs available in the insert indexes/table dialog box?
Ans: The different tabs available in the insert indexes/ table dialog box as are follows:
  • Index/Table: This tab contains options for setting table’s properties.
  • Entries: This tab allows to set the structure of headings and set styles of headings.
  • Styles: This tab allows us to change the heading styles and formattings.
  • Columns: This tab is used to increase or decrease columns in the table of contents as well as allows to change the width and space between columns.
  • Background: The user can set a background colour or change the background colour of the table of contents.

Q – 5 How to set the basic attributes of the table?

Ans.: The basic attributes of the table are as follows:
  • Title: It is used to give a title for the table of contents.
  • Type: This attribute allows us to select the types of table of contents. It can be a Table of contents, an Alphabetical index, an Illustration of the index etc.
  • Create index/table:
    • for: Allows to select the content for which a Table of content is created.
    • Evaluate up to level: Display the level of heading used in the Table of content.
  • Create from:
    • Allows to select an outline for the hierarchical table of contents, Additional styles if any, or to display the index marks

Q – 6 How to add or delete the title for the table of content?

Ans.: To add a title follow these steps:
  • The default title is “Table of Contents”, click on OK if you want to set it as it is.
  • Type your desired title if you wish to give a custom title and click on the OK button.
To delete a title, just clear the title field and keep it blank.
Q – 7 How to add or delete background to the table of contents?
Ans.: You can set two types of background for the TOC. You can either set a colour as the background or an image as a background. To set a colour as a background click on the colour tab and choose a colour from the colour picker. To add an image as a background select the graphic option from a combo and select the image.
To delete the background – Choose a colour from a combo box and select the no fill option from the colour picker.
Q – 8 Priya has created a document with a table of contents. Now she wants to protect the manual changes in her document. Help her by suggesting the steps to do the same. 
She can use the option Protected against manual changes. If she clicks on the given option then the table of contents can only be changed using the context menu or the Insert Table/Index window. 
Q – 9 Pratik is class 10 student. He missed some of the classes when his teacher taught the table of contents topic. Now he wants to know the levels of headings supported by the OO writer and how to change the number of levels of headings? Help him to understand the topic and learn the same. 
By default, OO Writer provides 10 levels of headings on which a table of contents can build. To change the level of heading click on Evaluate up to the level spin box in the Table/Index dialog box.
In the next section Important QnA Table of Contents Class 10, we will discuss some long answer questions. 
If you are looking for notes for the basis of Important QnA Table of Contents Class 10 Click here. 

In the next section of QnA Table of Contents Class 10, we are going to discuss long answer questions. 

Long Answer Questions (4/5 Marks)

Q – 1 Write steps to create headings. 
Ans.: To create headings follow these steps:
1. Type the desired text.
2. Go to the styles option. 
3. Click on the paragraph styles button.
4. Find the built-in headings styles.
5. Apply the relevant heading styles to the content.
6. Save the document.
Q – 2 Write steps to create or insert a table of contents in digital documents.
Ans.: To create or insert a table of contents in digital documents follow these steps:
  • Create your content and apply the proper level of headings.
  • Place the cursor on top of the document or at the beginning.
  • Click on insert → indexes and table → indexes and table option. Insert indexes/table dialog box will appear.
  • Set different attributes, styles, backgrounds etc for the TOC.
  • Click on the OK button.

Q – 3 Explain the entries tab in detail.

Ans.: The entries tab allows us to format the entries in the table of contents. For each level, the user can add and delete elements, such as headings and levels, and you can also apply character styles to individual elements.  To begin, click a level number in the Level column to select the outline level whose elements you want to format. The Structure line displays the elements for entries at that level.
Each button on the Structure line represents one element:
• The E# button represents the heading number or heading level.
• The E button represents the entry text.
• The T button represents a tab stop.
• The # button represents the page number.
• The LS button represents the start of a hyperlink.
• The LE button represents the end of a hyperlink.
Each white field on the Structure line represents a blank space.
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