In this article, I will discuss the CBSE practical exam proforma Class 12. As you know CBSE has provided guidelines for practical exams recently. If you missed the guideline watch this video:
Let’s begin the article CBSE practical exam proforma Class 12. As per CBSE instructions, practical exams will be starting from the 2nd of January, 2024. So everyone needs to fill CBSE practical exam proforma Class 12. So here I will explain how to fill the proforma and provide a pdf for the same.
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CBSE practical exam proforma Class 12
CBSE has provided CBSE term 2 practical exam proforma class 12 contains 16 pages. These 16 pages are divided into different parts. These parts are as follows:
- Page 2: PGTs Information
- Part A : In case of refusal/exemption by PGTs/examiner
- Part B: In case of resgination/left out of PGTs
- Part C: In case of newly joined PGTs
- Page 3 and 4: Attendace Sheet
- Page 5: Statement of candidates appeared in practical exam
- Page 6,7 and 8: Remuneration Bill for practial examiner
- Page 9: Form of bill for claiming charges for practical exam
- Page 10: Reprot of the observer for practical exam
- Page 11: Practical manual Award list
- Page 12: Certificate & Bill for Tabla Player
- Page 13: Certificate to be given by the practical examiner
- Page 14 and 15: Travelling allowance bill
- Page 16: Sample Envelope
Page 2: PGTs Information
In this section of CBSE practical exam proforma class 12 we are going to discuss about various formats to be used in practical exam for class 12.
PRAC – A : In case of refusal/exemption by the PGTs/Examiner
This part of CBSE practical exam proforma class 12 asks details for PGTs who refused duty as external examiners due to medical or any other emergency reasons.

PRAC – B: In case of resignation/left out of PGTs
This part of CBSE practical exam proforma class 12 asks details about the PGTs who has resigned recently or left out or left the job due to any reason.

PRAC – C: In case of newly joined PGTs
This part of CBSE practical exam proforma class 12 page 2 asks for details about newly joined PGTs or duty not allotted but eligible and interested in Practical duty.

Page 3 and 4: Attendance Sheet
This page of CBSE practical exam proforma class 12 consists of an attendance sheet for the practical exam. Fill in all the necessary details as asked in the proforma.

Fill the above part then candidates’ details to be filled in the attendance sheet are as follows:
Roll No | Signature of Candidate | Roll No. | Signature of candidate | Roll No. | Signature of candidate | Candidates Absent | Remark |
Page 5 Statements of candidates appeared (Century List)
This part of the CBSE practical exam proforma class 12 consists of details of candidates who appeared in the term 2 practical exams.

Page 6,7 and 8: Remuneration bill for practical examiner
This part of CBSE practical exam proforma contains details about the remuneration bill for the practical examiner. Fill this proforma with care. Following instructions should be followed while filling up the proforma for the CBSE remuneration bill for the practical examiner.
- If space is not sufficient for filling any field then use abbreviations.
- After filling up this proforma, it should be sent to concerned CBSE regional office.
- Only one form should be filled up for different centres.
- Subject codes and paper may be filled up as inidicated elsewhere.
Take care of these before submitting:
- No bill be passed unless each item of expenditure is suported by proper voucher or receipts.
- These vouchers and receipts should be duly attested by the examiners.
- Cost of pencil, pen, ink etc. for marking the scripts and postage used for sending the acceptance of offer or bills is not paid to examiner.
- The postage of award lists/ans. book will be made on the actual postal receipts submitted by examiner.
- The amount claimed will not be allowed if the details are not properly filled or the proforma is unsigned by the examiner.
Conveyance charges for examiners for conducting practical exams are 250/-. No conveyance will be paid to those examiners who are otherwise entitled for TA/DA.
Page 9: Form of bill for claiming charges for practical exam
This bill should be filled by the examiner as per their subject.
Page 10: Report of Observer
There are 17 fields in this proforma. Fill in the details carefully. This should be filled by the observer.

Page 11: Practical Manual Ward List
This proforma should be filled very carefully. All the fields are given in the boxes to write the marks. The first part consists of 8 digits roll numbers and the second for marks in 3 digits. The last row contains the total of all marks in total 1 and total 2.

Page 12: Certificate and tabla player for practical examination to be claimed through the principal
This proforma is only for table players. It should be filled and claimed through the Principal and verified by the examiner.

Page 13: Certificate to be given by the practical examiner
This should be filled out after lab inspection. Here the practical examiner will write the information about the lab conditions, the number of candidates who appeared in the practical exam etc.
Download the practical examiner report & cover letter
Follow this link to download covering letter and practical examiner report for CBSE practical exams.
Page 14 and 15: Travelling allowance bill
This should be filled by the examiner. Provide the details properly in the fields.
Page 16: Sample Envelope
This is a sample envelope for sending the practical exam documents.

Watch this video to get detailed information for relieving information.
Download Relieving Certificate for External
Download the relieving certificate from here:
That’s all from my side for the article CBSE term 2 practical exam proforma. I hope it will help you to understand how to fill each proforma. If you have any doubts or queries related to the CBSE term 2 practical exam proforma, feel free to ask in the comment section.
Thank you very much for reading this article.
kindly provide the link for Practical Proforma sheets for Class 12 to print