In this article, I am going to discuss some important CBSE Term 1 Exam FAQs. So let’s begin here.

CBSE Term 1 Exam FAQs

Based on many queries that arose from different stakeholders CBSE realised the PDF for CBSE term 1 examination FAQs. There are 22 FAQ questions given in the PDF. A few of the questions are:

  1. How many OMRs are reevauated by the coordinator?
  2. Coodrinator has to sign all sheets or only few?
  3. Is it mandatory to have coordinators from same school or from the school whose student are appearing in the exam?
  4. Can CS appoint more evaluators than suggested?
  5. Can PTI, Dance, Music and Activity teacher included for evaluation?

Follow the link to download the link.

Download the File for CBSE Term 1 Exam 2021

FAQs for evaluators 29.11.021

CBSE has released FAQs for evaluators on 29.11.2021. The PDF is attached below:

FAQs for Evaluators

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