Class 10 IT Viva Questions are part of a practical examination of IT 402 for class 10. These practical questions can be asked from your practical file and the practical assessment. So let us start!

Class 10 IT Viva Questions

Class 10 IT Viva Questions can be asked for 10 + 5 marks in the practical examination. Where 10 marks based on practical work and 5 marks based on IT 402 practical file or project work. So here I will pick some questions from the practical assessment parts with the solution. Se let us begin!

Unit 1 Digital Documentation (Advanced)

From this unit, the following learning outcomes assessed into practicals.

  1. Create and Apply styles
    • Styles and Formatting window
    • Fill Format
    • Creating a new style using drag and drop
  2. Create and use template
    • Creating a template
    • Updating a document
  3. Implement mail merge
    • Editing individual document

Class 10 IT Viva Questions

  1. How to open styles and formatting dialog box window?
    • Click on Format > Styles and Formatting
  2. What is the short cut key to open styles and formatting dialog box in OO writer?
    • F11
  3. Name any two buttons available in styles and formatting dialog box.
    • Paragraph styles, Character Styles, Frame Styles, Page Styles, List Styles, Fill format mode, New Style from selection
  4. What are the options available under New Style from Selection option?
    • New Styles from selection, Update Style, Load Style
  5. How to use fill format mode?
    • Select the desired style from list of styles
    • Click on Fill Format Mode button
    • Drag on the desired content in the document
  6. How to create a new style from the selection?
    • Prepare your content and apply the formatting you wish to set for new style
    • Now open Styles and Formatting window
    • Click on New Style From Selection button
    • A new dialog box will appear, provide new style name and click on OK button
  7. How to create a new style using drag and drop?
    • Prepare the content with the desired format to create a style
    • Now drag and drop the text into styles and formatting window
    • Create a style dialog box will appear
    • Type new name for the style and click on OK button
  8. How to update a style?
    • Open the Styles and Formatting window.
    • In the document, select an item that has the format you want to adopt as a style.
    • In the Styles and Formatting window, select the style you want to update (single-click, not double-click), then long-click on the arrow next to the New Style from Selection icon and click on Update Style.
  9. How to load style?
    • Open the document you want to copy styles into.
    • In the Styles and Formatting window, long-click on the arrow next to the New Style from Selection icon, and then click on Load Styles.
    • On the Load Styles dialog find and select the template you want to copy styles from.
    • Select the categories of styles to be copied.
    • Select Overwrite if you want the styles being copied to replace any styles of the same names in the document you are copying them into.
    • Click OK to copy the styles. You will not see any change on screen.
  10. What are the ways to create a template in OO writer?
    • OO writer provides two ways to create a template:
      • From a document
      • Using a wizard
  11. How to create a template from a document?
    • Prepare a document with your desired formatting
    • Now click File > Templates > Save option
    • A templates dialog box will appear
    • Type a new template name and select the template category from the list
    • Click on OK
  12. How to update a document?
    • Click File > Save As option to update a document
  13. How to create a template using a wizard?
    • Click on File > Wizards > Select the type of template
    • Follow the steps of wizard
  14. What are the main steps invloved in mail merge?
    • Write a letter
    • Create data source
    • Write individual letter
  15. What types files you can use as a data source for mail merge?
    • Spreadsheet
    • Text File
    • CSV
    • Databases like MS Access or OO Base

Let’s see Class 10 IT Viva Questions for Unit 2 Electronic Spreadsheet (Advanced).

Unit 2 Electronic Spreadsheet (Advanced)

From this unit, the following learning outcomes assessed into practicals.

  1. Link data and spreadsheet
    • Creating a reference to other documents by using keyboard and mouse
  2. Share and review a spreadsheet
    • Setting up a spreadsheet for sharing

Now let’s see some of Class 10 IT Viva Questions based on spreadsheets.

  1. Cell referencing refers to what in the context of create or change a cell reference?
    • Data from one or contiguous cells
    • Data contained in different areas of a worksheet
    • Data on another worksheets in the same file
  2. How you can start with creating referencing?
    • Place the cursor in the cell
    • Start it by typing =
    • Now move to the cell which you want to use
    • Select the cell
    • Press enter
  3. When you create reference how the data will be displayed?
    • When the reference is created it looks like ‘SheetName’.CellAddress
    • For example – ‘PT1’.A1
  4. Which navigations keys are used to move in different worksheets using keyboard?
    • Move to next spreadsheet (Right Side) – Ctrl + PageDown
    • Move to previous spreadsheet (Left Side) – Ctrl + PageUp
    • Move to next cell (Right) – Right Arrow Key
    • Move to previous cell (Left) – Left Arrow Key
    • Last row in current worksheet – Ctrl + Down Arrow Key
    • First Cell – Ctrl + Home
    • Last Cell – Ctrl + End
  5. What are three main parts of cell reference?
    • Path and File name
    • Sheet Name
    • Cell
    • For example, ‘file://Path&FileName’#SheetName.CellName
  6. How enable sharing in spreadsheet?
    • Open the spreadsheet
    • Click on Tools > Share Document
    • Click a checkmark on Share this spreadsheet with other users
    • Click on OK

Unit 3 Database Management System

From this unit, the following learning outcomes assessed into practicals.

  1. Create and edit tables using wizard and SQL commands
    • Steps to create a table using table wizard
  2. Retrieve data using a query
    • Query creation using a wizard
    • Creation of query using design view
  3. Create Forms and Reports using a wizard
    • Creating a form using the wizard
    • Steps to create form using Form Wizard
    • Creating Report using the wizard
    • Steps to Create Report using Wizard
  1. What are the steps involved in create a table using the wizard?
    • Select fields
    • Set types and formats
    • Set primary key
    • Create a table
  2. What are the steps to be followed to create a query using the wizard?
    • Field Selection
    • Sorting Order
    • Search Conditions
    • Detail or Summary
    • Grouping
    • Grouping Conditions
    • Aliases
    • Overview
  3. How to create a query using the design view?
    • Add tables for query
    • Select the list of fields
    • Select or type alias names if needed
    • choose the sorting options
    • Decide the visibility of the field in the result
    • Select the function which is needed
    • Type the criteria according to the query
  4. What are the steps that need to be followed to create a form?
    • Field Selection
    • Set up a subform
    • Add subform field
    • Get joined fields
    • Arrange Controls
    • Set Data entry
    • Apply Styles
    • Set Name
  5. What are the steps that need to be followed to create a report?
    • Field Selection
    • Labelling Fields
    • Grouping
    • Sort Options
    • Choose Layout
    • Create Report

That’s all from class 10 IT viva questions. These questions can be asked in your viva in the practical exam for Class 10 IT Viva Questions.

If you have more questions related to this article Class 10 IT Viva Questions you can ask me in the comment section.

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