Term 2 Practical Paper Class 12 IP 2022 Comprehensive Guide

In this article, I am going to discuss Term 2 Practical Paper Class 12 IP 2022. According to term wise syllabus 2021-22, the term 2 practical paper class 11 IP 2022 carries 15 marks. The marks distribution is explained in the next section. So here we go!

Marks disrtibution Term 2 Practical Paper Class 12 IP 2022

The distribution for Term 2 Practical Paper Class 12 IP 2022 is as given below:

1SQL Queries (Pen & Paper)7
2Practical File – 12 Queries2
3Final Project Submission3
4Viva 3

So let’s start now with the Term 2 Practical Paper Class 12 IP 2022. There are 7 marks questions from the MySQL functions part as per the syllabus. So let us begin!

Questions for Term 2 Practical Paper Class 12 IP 2022

Let’s begin the Questions for Term 2 Practical Paper Class 12 IP 2022. These practicals you can do in MySQL or directly write the queries in the answer sheets.

Part 1 MySQL Queries

  1. Create a database named PracticalExam and open database. 1
  2. Create following table – “Candidate” 1
    • candidateid – int(4), Primary Key
    • candidatename – varchar(20) not null
    • batch – varchar(10)
    • examdate – date
    • marks – float
    • stream – varchar
  3. Insert 10 records into the table as per your choice, one sample is as following (Use batches as: Batch1, Batch2, Batch3) : 1
    • 1201, ‘Sagar Patel’, ‘Batch1’, ‘2022/02/25’, 14, ‘commerce’
  4. Write queries based on the table candidate 4
    • Dispay the square of marks for candidates
    • Display candidateid, cadnidatename, examdate, marks without decimalplaces for batch1 and batch2 students
    • Display maximum, minimum and sum of marks of candidates
    • Display number students from commerce stream
    • Display the candidate names into capitals
    • Display first two letters of candidatenames
    • Display the average marks of stduents for each batch
    • Display the name of the day of week including candidatename, batch, marks and stream


create database practicalexam;

use practicalexam;

create table candidate
(candidateid int(4) primary key,
candidatename varchar(20) not null,
batch varchar(10),
examdate date,
mark float,
stream varchar(10));

insert into candidate values
(1201,'Sagar Patel','Batch 1','2022/02/25',14.5,'commerce'),
(1202,'Smita Patel','Batch 2','2022/02/24',13.5,'science'),
(1203,'Aman Parmar','Batch 3','2022/02/20',12,'commerce'),
(1204,'Sapna Vyas','Batch 2','2022/02/25',10.5,'science'),
(1205,'Man Pandya','Batch 1','2022/02/24',11,'commerce'),
(1206,'Dinesh Parmar','Batch 2','2022/02/25',14,'commerce'),
(1207,'Sonam Solanki','Batch 1','2022/02/25',13,'science'),
(1208,'Manish Joshi','Batch 2','2022/02/23',14.5,'commerce'),
(1209,'Mahendra Gohel','Batch 1','2022/02/25',14,'commerce'),
(1210,'Smita Chava','Batch 3','2022/02/25',15,'science');


select power(marks,2) from candidate;
select candidateid,candidatename, examdate, round(marks) from candidate where batch='Batch1' or Batch='Batch 2';
select max(marks), min(marks), sum(marks) from candidate;
select count(candidateid) from candidate where stream='commerce';
select upper(candidatename) from candidate;
select left(candidatename,2) from candidate;
select batch,avg(marks) from candidate group by batch;
select candidatename, batch, marks, stream, dayname(examdate) from candidate;

Part 2 Practical file

Students need to submit the practical file. Follow the below-given link to download the practical file.

Download Practical file term 2 IP class 12

Part 3 Final Project Submission

In this portion of Term 2 Practical Paper Class 12 IP 2022, your project will be reviewed. You need to submit a hard copy of the final project.

Part 4 Viva

Viva covers questions from your project and practical file.

Follow the below-given link to download the question paper pdf.

Download PDF Practical Paper Class 12 IP

I hope you enjoyed this article. If you have any queries related to Term 2 Practical Paper Class 12 IP 2022, feel free to ask in the comment section. In addition to this feel free to share views, feedback and any suggestion for this article Term 2 Practical Paper Class 12 IP 2022.

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