In this article, I will provide Class 11 computer science half yearly exam practical question paper. So let us begin!
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Class 11 computer science half yearly exam practical question paper
Schools are conducting half yearly exams as a part of mid term assessment. Schools preferred the assessment structure offered by CBSE board and according to this Computer Science class 11 will be assessed as 70 (theory) + 30 (practical).
We have already provided 2 half yearly exam sample papers for theory which can be accessed by following link:
So now let us begin Class 11 computer science half yearly exam practical question paper.
Paper pattern
I have kept it very simple as it is totally depend on the school and the subject teacher. I have made the following structure for Class 11 computer science half yearly exam practical question paper. Observe this:
Que. No. | Particular | Marks |
1 | Python Program | 15 |
2 | Practical Records ( Practical File) + Notebook | 10 |
3 | Viva Voce | 5 |
So let us begin with Q1.
Part 1 Python Program
So let us begin with part 1 python program. This question may vary according to you syllabus portion. I have covered topics up to flow of control if-elif-else.
A company is computing salary based on following details. Accept Employee ID, Employee Name, Basic Salary and then compute the allowance as given below:
Basic | HRA | DA |
<5000 | 30% | 50% |
5001-10000 | 25% | 45% |
10001-20000 | 20% | 40% |
>20000 | 10% | 30% |
Write a program to compute the net amount to be paid to an employee in the following format:

The solution for the question is as follows:
# A program of Salary calculaion
# Developed by
eid=int(input("Enter employee id:"))
ename=input("Enter Name:")
basic=float(input("Enter salary:"))
mon=input("Enter Salary Month:")
#Process of computation
if basic<=5000:
elif basic>5000 and basic<10000:
elif basic>10000 and basic<20000:
elif basic>20000:
print("Invalid Salary Amount")
#Computing net salary
print("Employee ID \t: ",eid,"\t\t Month:",mon)
print("Employee Name\t: ",ename)
print("Basic \t:%5.2f"%basic)
print("HRA \t:",hra)
print("DA \t:",da)
print("Net Salary Amount\t:",ns)
The output is as follows:

Watch this video for more understanding:
Download the question paper
Follow this link to download the question paper.
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