In this article, I will provide you with Practical Question Paper CS Class 12. As per the syllabus of 2022-23, you learnt functions, data file handling, data structure Stack and MySQL concepts.
The practical question paper CS class 12 may contain questions from Data File handling and Stack. The structrue is explained below.
Topics Covered
Practical Question Paper CS Class 12 – Pattern
As per the structure of the syllabus 2022-23, the practical question paper is of 30 marks. The paper pattern is as follows:
Q.No | Question Details | Marks |
1 | Lab Test: i) Python program ii) A stub program with Python SQL connectivity must be provided with blanks | 8 4 |
2 | Report file | 7 |
3 | Project Report | 8 |
4 | Viva Voce | 3 |
The question paper contains 8 marks question of python program and 4 marks question of Python MySQL connectivity based stub program and rest marks are for practical records, project and viva voce. So I have prepared this question paper as per that pattern. Just have a look at that and download it.
Practical Question Paper CS Class 12 – Download Now
Observe the question paper and its solution. The Q-1 is divided into two parts.
- Python program on Data File handling
- MySQL Python connectivity based stub program
Download the 5 sets Practical Question Paper CS Class 12 from the next section.
Download 5 Sets Practical Question Paper CS Class 12
Follow this link to download the Practical Question Paper CS Class 12 or practical paper computer science class 12. The table contains 5 sets of practical questions for class 12 computer science python from the below given table.
Follow this link to dowbload python code for solution of 5 sets:
The structure of Practical Question Paper CS Class 12
The structure of practical question paper 2023 cs class 12 is as follows:
- Lab test
- Stub Program
- Practical File
- Project Report
- Viva Voce
Lab Test
In lab test students asked to write a program on computers and later on the solution should be written in answer book supplied by CBSE. The structure of program is as follows:
- 60% Logic – The main logic of program has maximum weightage 60% i.e. 8*0.6 (5 marks).
- 20% Documentation – The documentation refers to proper use of comments and structure in the program has weightage of 20% i.e. 8*0.2 (1.5 Mark)
- 20% Code Quality – The use of variables, appropriate messages and proper use of functions has weightage of 20% i.e. 8*0.2 (1.5 Mark)
Stub Program
A stub program with Python SQL connectivity must be provided with blanks (4 blanks) to be filled by the student with the desired SQL query.
Practical file
The practical records done throughout the year should be submitted. This practical file contains:
- Minimum 15 Python programs
- SQL Queries
- 4 Programs based on Python-MySQL Connectivity
This practical file gives you 7 marks.
Follow this link to download practical file computer science 2023.
Project Report
A project in python should be prepared and the report should be submitted. This project can be developed using Python and MySQL connectivity and using concepts learnt in class 11 and 12.
Follow this link for projects computer science class 12.
The project report file gives you 7 marks.
Viva Voce
The external and internal examiner will conduct a viva. Verbal questions can be asked from report files submitted by you. This section gives you marks out of 3.
Thank you for reading this article. I hope it will help you in your practical exams. Don’t forget to share your views/feedback/suggestions in the comment section.
Best of luck to you for your practicals.