4 Kinds of Statement Flow Control in C Programming – Easy notes

Hey learner, Welcome to my blog, in this article I will discuss Statement Flow Control in C Programming. So lets start!

Follow this link to read fundamentals of statements and about C programming:

Introduction to C Programing

Structure of C Program – Coding for Kids

Statement Flow Control in C Programming

A statement is a combination of letters and symbols in C programming which ends with a semicolon. The sequence or order of statements is known as statement flow control in C programming. It is very essential for every programming language to use proper order of sequence of statements to be executed.

In the next section of Statement Flow Control in C Programming, I will talk about the constructs provided by C programing.

Constructs in C Programming

As every programming provides three main constructs so as C programming too. They are:

  1. Sequence
  2. Selection
  3. Iteration

Now understands these constructs for Statement Flow Control in C Programming.


The sequence is a normal and simple construct of C programming. It is just a sequence of statements written in the program. Consider this example:

void main()
printf("Hello, this is sequence construct\n")
printf("The sequence of normal statement is considered as a sequence construct.")


Select refers to the statements where a programmer has to select a condition. It is based on different conditions. The example are:

  1. Simple if
  2. If-else
  3. If-else ladder
  4. Switch

Now lets undersand these constructs in detail with example for Statement Flow Control in C Programming.

Simple if

It checks only one condition and executes the statements if it evaluates to true, otherwise does nothing. The syntax of C programming is as following:

if (test-condition)


if (n==0)
   printf(“You have entered 0”)

Watch this video for more understanding:

If-else statement in C programming

The if-else statement is another control flow statement in C programming. If the statement evaluated to true it will execute the first part, if the condition evaluates to false it will execute the else part. Look at the syntax:

if (condition)

As you have observed many real-life situations where there are two possibilities arise. Either this or that! For example, when you are trying to do login with your e-mail account or any social media, you are entering your username and password. The system checks the username and password entered by use on-screen with the stored username and password. If both matches it will render your profile/inbox page.

Just have look at the example:

void main()
{ un=8912;
  printf("Enter your username:");
  printf("Enter your password:");
  if(un==8912 && pwd==123)
    printf("Welcome %d",un);
   print("Incorrect username and/or password")

Similarly, another condition is there when you are going to check whether the entered number is odd or even! Observe this code:

void main()
  int n;
  printf("Enter your number:");
    printf("%d is odd number");
   printf("%d is even number");

Watch this video for more understanding:


Iteration or looping is also a very important part of C programming. The repetition of statements according to the condition is known as iteration. It can be considered as a cycle where steps are executed until specific conditions will be satisfied.

There are three types of iterations used in C programming:

  1. While
  2. Do…While
  3. For

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