NCERT Solutions Emerging Trends Chapter 2 Class 11 IP

This article main focus on NCERT Solutions Emerging Trends Chapter 2 Class 11 IP. Here we go!!!

NCERT Solutions Emerging Trends

So here we start NCERT Solutions Emerging Trends. The first question is here!

[1] List some of the cloud-based services that you are using at present.

At present we are using many cloud-based services, some of them are as following:

  1. Cloud Storage: Google Drive, Sky Drive, Drop box etc.
  2. Cloud software (SAAS): SalesForce, Slack, Zoom etc.
  3. Cloud Infrastructure (IAAS): DigitalOcean, IBM, Datrium etc.
  4. Cloud Plastform(PAAS): Acquia, AWS (Amazon Web Services), Heroku

The next question for NCERT Solutions Emerging Trends is for potential applications.

[2] What do you understand by the Internet of Things? List some of its potential applications.

IoT or Internet of Things refers to connecting many devices through hardware or software and communicate with each other as well as human beings through internet to work with collaboration and assist each other and form a networking of things.

Potential Applications of IoT :

  1. Smart Home
  2. Wearables
  3. Smart City
  4. Smart Grids
  5. Industrial Internet

Read more….

The next section of NCERT Solutions Emerging Trends is based on short notes.

[3] Write a short note on the following:
a) Cloud computing
b) Big data and its characteristics

a) Cloud Computing:

In cloud computing refers to a virtual computers than can be access a software, services or storage on internet.

These software, services, and storage provided by cloud services providers based on payment or some of them are free also.

It allows to use large applications through the internet without any physical storage.

If you are using Facebook, google photos, google drive, sky drive, etc. these are examples of cloud computing.


  1. Accessible anytime, anywhere on the internet
  2. Cost-effective and reasonable cost
  3. On-demand sources
  4. Allows to use of resources as per the need

b) Big data and its characteristics

According to Gartner

“Big data” is high-volume, -velocity and -variety information assets that demand cost-effective, innovative forms of information processing for enhanced insight and decision making.

This definition clearly focuses on:

  1. Large or Huge volume of data which is going to be processed
  2. It can extract information which gives a huge benefit
  3. It can help in decision making
  4. It can provide insight information

Big data increases the volume day by day. It is in huge amount so cannot be processed or analyzed using conventional methods. Some of the popular terms associated with big data for processing are data mining, data storage, data analysis, data sharing, and data visualization.

Characteristics of Big data

  1. Volume: It refers to the number of big data in terms of size. It is in very big size or voluminous data.
  2. Velocity: It refers to the rate of data transfer at very high speed.
  3. Variety: Data is available in different forms like structured, unstructured, and semistructured. It can be different files like text, images, videos, web pages, etc.
  4. Veracity: It refers to the intensity of the reliability of data. When a large volume of data is going to be processed, sometimes chances are there to produce incorrect data.
  5. Value: It is the quantity of data including amount, reliability of data to be processed.

[4] Explain the following along with their applications.
a) Artificial Intelligence
b) Machine Learning

Refer this article for the answer

The next questions for the chapter NCERT Solutions Emerging Trends is based on differentiate.

[5]Differentiate between cloud computing and grid computing with suitable examples.

Cloud ComputingGrid Computing
It works on the client-server architecture.It works on distributed computing architecture.
Resources are stored on the server and provided to the user as and when required.Resources are stored in a device and linked with the devices.
The server is the leader and controls the architecture. All devices can be used in collaborative approach.
It is more flexible compared to Grid Computing.It is less flexible compared to Cloud Computing.
difference between cloud computing and grid computing

The next question 6 of NCERT Solutions Emerging Trends is based on the justify a statement.

[6] Justify the following statement- ‘Storage of data is cost-effective and time-saving in cloud computing.’

Cloud computing stores data into a server and it is available at almost free of cost or nominal cost.

When it comes to time-saving by saving data on the internet there is no need to wait to start up any computer or device. It is easily available with a browser program or app of that. So it can be accessed any time from anywhere.

The questions 7 of NCERT Solutions Emerging Trends is conceptual question.

[7] What is the on-demand service? How it is provided in the cloud computing?

On-demand service means that data is available as and when required. In cloud computing, users can access any file by using a login with a username or email account and password. This is called on-demand service.

Now the next question of NCERT Solutions Emerging Trends is based on examples.

[8] Write examples of the following:
a) Government provided cloud computing platform
b) Large scale private cloud service providers and the services they provide

a) The government of India has provided a government cloud service named MeghRaj.

b) As we have discussed earlier google is large scale private cloud service providers which provides storage, web services and many more things.

The following are MCQ like questions for NCERT Solutions Emerging Trends.

[9] A company interested in cloud computing is looking for a provider who offers a set of basic services such as virtual server provisioning and on-demand storage that can be combined into a platform for deploying and running customized applications. What type of cloud computing model fit these requirements?
a) Platform as a Service
b) Software as a Service
c) Infrastructure as a Service

The correct answer is option c) Infrastructure as a Service

[10] Which is not one of the features of IoT devices?
a) Remotely controllable
b) Programmable
c) Can turn themselves off if necessary
d) All of the above

The correct answer is option a) Remotely controllable

Look at the next question of NCERT Solutions Emerging Trends which is based on applications.

[11] If Government plans to make a smart school by applying IoT concepts, how can each of the following be implemented in order to transform a school into IoT enabled smart school?
a) e-textbooks
b) Smart boards
c) Online tests
d) Wifi sensors on classrooms doors
e) Sensors in buses to monitor their location
f) Wearables (watches or smart belts) for attendance monitoring

a) e-textbooks : e-textbooks can be made available e-library by using web services.

b) Smart Boards: Smart boards can be operated by digital stylus or pen and should be connected with network.

c) Online Tests: A web portal or online examination should be prepared to conduct exams smoothly.

d) Wifi sensors and classrooms doors: Wifi sensors and classroom doors can be used to lock and unlock them. These sensors also provides security to students and other stakeholders.

e) Sensors in buses to monitor their location: These sensors enables quick reporting and monitoring to the coordinates and parents to know the status of child and bus after leaving the school.

f) Wearables (watches or smart belts) for attendance
monitoring: These devices can be used or implemented for students in such a way that identifies a student and marks the attendance accordingly.

The next question of NCERT Solutions Emerging Trends is based on case study.

[12] Five friends plan to try a startup. However, they have a limited budget and limited computer infrastructure. How can they avail the benefits of cloud services to launch their startup?

They can go for registration with any suitable service provider either government or private. They can register for Infrastructure as a service to avail the facility of cloud storage and deploy applications initially.

[13] Governments provide various scholarships to students of different classes. Prepare a report on how blockchain technology can be used to promote accountability, transparency, and efficiency in the distribution of scholarships?

As you are aware in blockchain technology, a separate ledger is created for individual and stored so the transparency and efficiency automatically improves. The students who can avail the scholarship in their ledger only. The transactions are also more authentic.

The next questions of NCERT Solutions Emerging Trends is based on relation.

[14] How IoT and WoT are related?

IoT and WoT both can be user on network to communicate with multiple devices. They can provide a communication medium between various devices, this medium can be an app, a web service or any network enabled device.

The next part of NCERT Solutions Emerging Trends consists of the questions for match the following:

[15] Match the following:

S.NoColumn AAnswerColumn B
1You got a reminder to take
1 – 4Smart Parking
2You got a sms alert that you
forgot to lock the door
2-3Smart Wearable
3You got the sms alert that
parking space is available near
your block
3-1Home Automation
4You turned off your LED TV
from your wristwatch
4-2Smart Health

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Thank you for reading.

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