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NCERT Solutions Information Technology Class 10 Chapter 5 Using Macros in Spreadsheet

[1] Macro Recordings can be enabled from the ___________________ option in the menu bar.
(a) Sheet
(b) Data
(c) Tools
(d) Window.

[2] Which of the following is an invalid Macro Name?
(a) 1formatword
(b) format word
(c) format*word
(d) Format_word.

[3] Which of the following Libraries contains modules with pre-recorded macros and should not be changed?
(a) My Macros
(b) LibreOfficeMacros
(c) Untitled1
(d) Test.

[4] Identify which of the following is a programming Language?
(a) Calc
(c) Writer
(d) Macro

[5] The Module can be executed from the IDE by pressing _______________.
(a) F3
(b) F4
(c) F5
(d) F6

[6] Which of the following is the default name of the Macro?
(a) Default
(b) Main
(c) Macro1
(d) Main_Macro

B. Fill in the blanks

[1] ______________ library is automatically loaded when the document is opened.

[2] IDE stands for ___________________.

[3] Macro as a function is capable of accepting _______________ and returning a ________________.

[4] Macro ____________ allows us to add, delete a module.

[6] The code of macro begins with _______followed by the name of the macro and ends with _____________.

[7] By default a macro is saved in the _____________________.

C. State whether the following statements are True or False

[1] Macro is a group of instructions executing a single instruction.

[2] Once created, Macro can be used any number of times.

[3] By default, the Macro recording feature is turned on.

[4] It is not possible to stop recording of a Macro.

[5] Every Macro should be given a unique name.

[6] A macro once created can be edited later.

D. Answer the following questions

[1] What is a Macro? List any two real life situations where they can be used.

  • A macro is a single instruction that executes a set of instructions.
  • These set of instructions can be a sequence of commands or keystrokes that can be used for any number of times later.
  • A sequence of actions such as keystrokes and clicks can be recorded and then run as per the requirement.

Macros can be used in the following situations:

  1. To apply the specific formatting repeatedly in spreadsheet
  2. To use a specific formula repeatedly in spreadsheet

[2] List the actions that are not recorded by a macro.

The actions cannot be recorded by Macro:

  1. Opening of windows
  2. Actions carried out in another window than where the recording was started.
  3. Window switching
  4. Actions that are not related to the spreadsheet contents
  5. Selections are recorded only if they are done by using the keyboard (cursor traveling), but not
    when the mouse is used
  6. The macro recorder works only in Calc and Writer.

[3] How is LibreOffice Macros Library different from my Macros?

A Library is a collection of modules which in turn is a collection of macros. A LibreOffice Macros library contains default macros stored by LibreOffce whereas my Macros contains modules of macros created and recorded by user.

[4] Differentiate between predefined function in Calc and Macros as a function.

Predefined FunctionMacro as a Function
Predefined Function will be stored in LibreOffice Macros libraryMacro as a function will be stored in My Macros library by default
Predefined function has same code lengthMacro as a function has different code length
It cannot be modifiedIt can be modified easily anytime
Faster in executionSlower in execution

[5] List the rules that should be kept in mind while naming a macro.

The rules that should be kept in mind while naming a macro are as follows:

  • Macros should be always starts with a letter
  • It doe not contain any space
  • It does not contain a special character except for (underscore)

[6] Give any one advantage of macros.

  1. Macro can be used again and again
  2. Macro can be copied and distributed to multiple users
  3. Macro can serve as a part of a broader solution to a customer requirement that involves both host applications and workstation applications

Watch this video for more understanding:

Follow this link to access comprehensive notes on Macros:

Comprehensive notes Using Macros in LibreOffice Calc Information Technology Class 10

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